Tuesday 20 March 2012

Unequal Marriage 'Consultation'

I just finished filling in a survey on the UK Home Office website. It was apparently supposed to be part of a consultation on the proposed new legislation to make same-sex marriage legal. The only thing is 'Equalities Minister' Lynne Featherstone has already said that the legislation will go through regardless of the outcome of the consultation - what ever happened to democracy?

She said 'I believe that if a couple love each other and want to commit to a life together, they should have the option of a civil marriage, whatever their gender'. I can't believe that someone with such a prominent position can make such an ignorant statement, but then again, we are living in the most godless generation this country has ever seen. 'Love' has no legal definition and the use of the term has no place in law, being as unquantifiable and indefinable as it is. So why is Featherstone saying such things?

Legally, if someone cannot meet the terms of the law then they are breaking it and must make whatever personal changes necessary to comply. In the post-modern and secular humanist society we find ourselves in, it seems the law has to be the one to change to suit the whims of the non-compliant few. So what if a grown woman loves a boy? Or a man professes love for his sister? Well in a few years time this society might have become just warped enough to also change the law to suit their 'love'.

"But it is harmful and destructive to society for tantamount paedophilia and incest to take place" I hear you cry - but a homosexual lifestyle is just as harmful to society. First of all it is harmful to the individual - homosexuals are four times as likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, have huge suicide rates and only a small percentage will ever make it over 60 due to the inordinate number of premature deaths. Add to this damage caused to the human body from unnatural use and you have one of the most damaging lifestyles imaginable. If you knew someone was living a lifestyle that was going to knock 30 years off their life expectancy wouldn't you want to warn them away from it?

Secondly, it is harmful to society as a whole as homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous and any 'marriages' will have a high chance of failure, causing fractured relationships, bitterness and hatred and the spread of STDS, HIV and AIDS. Spiritually there is also a curse on a homosexual society as it shuns the order of God and takes up its own perverted passions as described in Romans chapter one. I really wish I could expose all these left-wing extremists in power to the ravages of homosexual lifestyles and see how their rabid secularism would hold up against the ghastly facts.

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