Thursday 29 March 2012

Australopithecus Afarensis' Funny Footed Cousin?

The Daily Mail reports that a newly discovered fossilised foot has revealed a 'previously unknown human species' that lived three and a half million years ago.

The Darwinist media circus continues to churn out logical fallacies that stand for discoveries of great scientific importance. Now they have found the foot bones of a monkey and claim that it was an upright human ancestor that spent some time on  the ground, but not as much as the soon to evolve australopithecus, who found much more joy in swinging down from the trees for extended periods to be chased by lions.

A key point here is that finding bones in the dirt tells you nothing. Dates have to be assigned arbitrarily from the world view of the discoverer and the geologic column, made up of dates pulled from the thin air in the 1830s - there are no tags to tell you when it died or what it was. Then if it happens to just be a few bones you have to imagine the rest of the creature according as much to how you want it to look, as to what the few bones can tell you about its general structure - imagine finding the back end of a duckbill platypus and  presuming that it looked like a small beaver at the front.

Besides all the usual evolutionary propaganda blurb, Daniel Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard, was incredibly honest for a Darwinist saying 'The limitations of the fossil record leave ample room for debate about human origins'. Of course, he simply means debate between evolutionists about different ideas they want to pursue grant money with. If only he had the open-mindedness to mean that the limitations of finding bones in the ground means you can never empirically state anything about the distant past unless you were there.

As ridiculous as it was to say Lucy was anything but an ape that spent the majority of her time in the trees pales in comparison to finding JUST A FEW FOOT BONES and saying it was a 'hominin', human ancestor. The fact that these foot bones show an opposable toe make its even more ridiculous - I think that after all these years they have actually found Lucy's feet!

So how do we know its 3.4 million years old (say 'oooooooh!')? Because Dr Yohannes Haile-Selassie, of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History said it is. Wouldn't it be great if radiocarbon dating worked, let alone stretched back that far, and we could see that this poor monkey was happily swinging in the trees when the flood came?*

*Don't believe in/deny the global flood about 4400 years ago? See or

Woe unto Hypocrites

The other day I was sitting in my car when I saw a woman very unsteady on her feet. She looked to be in her late thirties or early forties, but was walking like an old woman with a stick.

My heart went out to her in compassion, but I was aware that I didn't have much time due to running errands the day before a friend's wedding. My heart was stirred up though, and I called out the window to ask her if she was a Christian. She said "No! And I don't want to be!" - I of course couldn't leave her to say that, so I jumped out and asked her why she didn't want to be a Christian. She told me that she used to go to church with her mother, but that churches are full of hypocrites that smile in your face in church but ignore you on the street - the bitterness within her was so tangible as she spoke.

I told her that not all churches were full of hypocrites and that there was a lovely church (our church) around the corner that would genuinely welcome her. I told her that people may let her down, but Jesus never will because He's perfect. I said if she came that she'd have a friend and told her my name. Her frown turned to a smile and she thanked me and went on her way. I went back to my car and immediately cried out to God for her soul. I could see by faith that if she came out she would be completely healed of that crippling arthritis.

Glory to our sweet Saviour for that Holy Ghost appointment, but I have thought since that there is great condemnation for hypocrites who drive wounded and lost souls away from the love of God and the salvation in Christ they so desperately need.

Friday 23 March 2012

Say What?

According to an Oxford university scholar, the 'hardest problem in  science' is showing itself to be the origin of language. In 1886, The Linguistic Society of Paris famously banned all debates on the subject.

Since evolutionists think that their 'evolution of man' timeline is so water-tight, what's the problem with the evolution of man's speech? Surely there must be some DNA analysis, some radiocarbon dating, some bones or some observation of apes that makes it as clear as day - after all, the whole world is so sure that man most definitely, undeniably (and un-test-ably) descended from them.

There are two schools of thought: continuity and discontinuity - either a gibbering monkey managed to say 'b', then 'ba', and then thousands of generations later 'banana', or suddenly after thousands of years of hominid silence someone suddenly burst into a full-blown language and someone else also instantly developed the ability to understand it. Yes, I know it sounds silly, but if you start out with believing that everything made itself then you will end up with some pretty bizarre conclusions.

The thing is apes look a little bit like us - they have arms and legs and can walk upright for short periods of time - so they were the best candidate for those who want to deny God to point to as our ancestors. I mean who would have believed it if they pointed to an elephant? A monkey losing its hair, strength and tree climbing ability to survive is just so much more plausible. But monkeys don't talk. Not even close*. They gibber because they don't have the biological structures to produce words or the mind to do it. Monkeys deceive each other all the time, and therefore all the other monkeys are programmed by this to act on nothing that is not immediately verifiable. There is just no room for abstract things such as words - any time another monkey wanted to say 'oo-ah' for banana instead of just pointing to it, the other monkey would disregard it to protect himself from those naughty other monkeys trying to deceive him - I mean it was obvious it was a snake not a banana!

Displaced references - those that have no relation to the immediately perceivable surroundings have no place in Darwinism. In fact, words themselves have no place as symbolism has no place without a culture that already has mutual understanding of socially endorsed, symbolic cultural facts. They cannot be trusted amongst animals that need inherent value and meaning in communication for their survival. To put this simply, if all the monkeys haven't got together and decided that 'wah-wah' now means banana and that it is okay to use a newly invented sound by arbitrarily assigning it to an object then there is no way within Darwinism or any other secular theory of origins for language to come about.

The Bible has the answers, yet again. In the beginning was The WORD! Language has its origins with a transcendent, intelligent creator that injected it into His creation. God is spirit and to express Himself in a limited, physical creation it took symbolism and abstract meaning. When he made man in His image He made him for fellowship, and that took an ability for Adam to express Himself and converse, and in conversing, understand what he could of his almighty Creator.

*I think God made parrots such great speakers just to make Darwinism look stupid. See'kisi

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Unequal Marriage 'Consultation'

I just finished filling in a survey on the UK Home Office website. It was apparently supposed to be part of a consultation on the proposed new legislation to make same-sex marriage legal. The only thing is 'Equalities Minister' Lynne Featherstone has already said that the legislation will go through regardless of the outcome of the consultation - what ever happened to democracy?

She said 'I believe that if a couple love each other and want to commit to a life together, they should have the option of a civil marriage, whatever their gender'. I can't believe that someone with such a prominent position can make such an ignorant statement, but then again, we are living in the most godless generation this country has ever seen. 'Love' has no legal definition and the use of the term has no place in law, being as unquantifiable and indefinable as it is. So why is Featherstone saying such things?

Legally, if someone cannot meet the terms of the law then they are breaking it and must make whatever personal changes necessary to comply. In the post-modern and secular humanist society we find ourselves in, it seems the law has to be the one to change to suit the whims of the non-compliant few. So what if a grown woman loves a boy? Or a man professes love for his sister? Well in a few years time this society might have become just warped enough to also change the law to suit their 'love'.

"But it is harmful and destructive to society for tantamount paedophilia and incest to take place" I hear you cry - but a homosexual lifestyle is just as harmful to society. First of all it is harmful to the individual - homosexuals are four times as likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, have huge suicide rates and only a small percentage will ever make it over 60 due to the inordinate number of premature deaths. Add to this damage caused to the human body from unnatural use and you have one of the most damaging lifestyles imaginable. If you knew someone was living a lifestyle that was going to knock 30 years off their life expectancy wouldn't you want to warn them away from it?

Secondly, it is harmful to society as a whole as homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous and any 'marriages' will have a high chance of failure, causing fractured relationships, bitterness and hatred and the spread of STDS, HIV and AIDS. Spiritually there is also a curse on a homosexual society as it shuns the order of God and takes up its own perverted passions as described in Romans chapter one. I really wish I could expose all these left-wing extremists in power to the ravages of homosexual lifestyles and see how their rabid secularism would hold up against the ghastly facts.

Monday 19 March 2012

The Football Curse

As news headlines are filled with the plight of Fabrice Muamba, I couldn't help but think about the inordinate numbers of players that either collapse, or collapse and die while playing soccer.

Football is definitely a demanding sport, but when you compare it to marathon running, boxing or triathlon, you realise that the sporting world holds many more gruelling challenges. I wish Fabrice a speedy recovery - this is in no way an attack against him (he is in fact an acquaintance of a friend) - but as I was at my in-laws and watched Liverpool vs Stoke City in an FA Cup clash I couldn't help but notice something disturbing.

Football, the most popular game in the world, has become a false religion. On Saturdays and sometimes Sundays, millions around the world gather in their 'churches' and sing praise and worship songs to the god of football. Yesterday, as I had come from church service, I saw that the Liverpool and Stoke fans were having theirs. They started to sing Oh When the Saints Go Marching In - an old hymn. They also sing 'Glory Glory Man United' - another modified hymn. Men around the world have given their money, emotions, and time up to the god of football. Lifting their hands in worship they pledge their lives to something that matters little in the light of this life, let alone eternity.

I cannot see this as any less than a strategy of hell. The Kingdom of God needs men to see it continue to advance, but as the men of this world have given themselves to football worship churches remain filled with women. Though it may be ostensibly secular, football worship has all the marks of a religion - sectarianism, tribalism, a place of gathering, liturgical practices such as singing national anthems and modified hymns and most of all, having control over someone's emotions to the point of encouraging into violence and driving to despair. Football fans have killed each other and themselves over their 'support' of teams.

All this acts to dull their ears to truth, and if you wanted any more proof for a demonic strategy its right there. Church folks are not immune to this either - I have sat at a table where we were about to study the Word of God, only to have two bible study leaders obsessing over the 'results'. The Word was on my mind, and all the more considering the setting we were in, but there's was on football. There are levels, and following sport is not sin, but it can prove to be a real distraction as the spirit of false religion takes a hold.

In conclusion, I think there is a curse on fanatical support of football, both to those who support and those who play. Not a curse on sport or that sport in particular, but a curse and judgement against the spirit of idolatry. Wikipedia has a list of 84 players that have died on the pitch, or soon after leaving it, while playing league football since the end of the 19th century. That averages as one player dying while playing league football every 1.45 years. On this calculation, playing football should be categorised as a potentially lethal pursuit akin to BASE-jumping.

I will leave the judgement to the reader, but I think that idolatry in all forms is cursed. Whether it is ostensibly religious or secular, replacing God with anything else on the throne of your heart is tantamount to dancing around a totem pole babbling. Doing it in such an outrageous way as paying men thousands of pounds a week to kick a leather ball through a metal frame while two thirds of the world is in poverty and as many are going to hell without Christ is certainly skating on thin ice. Man was made to worship, and for the secularisation of this nation and the love of sin, football stadiums have become the new age church. Just look at the picture above! It looks like a Billy Graham crusade! Christians guard your hearts...

Friday 16 March 2012

Red Deer Cave People or Red Deer Cave Apes?

A new set of bones is now doing the proverbial rounds on the Darwinist circuit. Dubbed the Red Deer Cave People, this latest collection is apparently causing a 're-think' of how another type of hominid was in East Asia other than 'modern' man at the time the bones are purported to date from.

Hold on a second, nothing can't explode! Okay, lets grant the secular humanist his Big Bang (big dud), and his impossible formation of the elements from hydrogen and helium, and the impossibilities of abiogenesis etc etc etc. That granted, what can your really tell from bones in the ground? They don't come with a date tag or a description of who they were and how they got there. That all has to be shoe-horned into a pre-existing world view. Unfortunately for the popular scientific press, that world view is invariably Darwinism.

But lets look at the bones: we have a skull appearing in pictures which is a partial reconstruction due to parts being missing. The lower mandible of the skull being presented is missing; so is the complete rear-portion (occipital bun). The  right side from the upper mandible to the bottom of the frontal lobe is also missing, but has been reconstructed in plaster. What we have is robust skull that has very large and ape-like ocular recesses (orbit). There is also a remarkable cheek bone flare, reminiscent of a male Orang Utan and suggesting a powerful and wide jaw.

What is disappointing is the fact that the reconstructed orbit on the right side has been purposely made smaller to appear more human-like - if you look closely you can see an obvious difference in the original orbit and the reconstruction. I could put it down to incompetence on the part of the person who carried out the plaster moulding if I did not know this was making international news and the fact that I have seen such tricks from evolutionists before. A cursory glance at the illustrations in Donald Johanson's book Lucy reveals such unscientific doctoring - when presenting a line of supposed human ancestors, they are all given a modern human pelvis!

Something revealing with this current 'find' is the fact that the most recent of the discoveries of this particular 'hominid' were uncovered in 1989! Did it really take over twenty years to report on this smashed ape skull? Methinks that someone needed their tenure renewing or a new shot of grant money, and so something that was probably long disregarded was resurrected for financial gain. This wouldn't be the first time - remember Ida? What's next? Make sure the carbon dates that didn't fit into the paradigm are safely discarded and start promoting the book!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Coincidental Correlations?

As British society continues to spiral down into insanity, any empirical commentator cannot ignore some stark positive correlations.

As teenage pregnancy, STDs, abortion, gang violence, truancy, violent crime, divorce etc has risen at an alarming rate since the 1960s, so marriage, discipline in schools and the home, academic ambition, community cohesion and safety on the streets has taken a dive for the worse - there was a time when you knew every neighbour on your street by their first name and you could leave your door unlocked. You were married and so were most other couples, and your children were born into a family unit. As those children grew they didn't start talking rap slang and being disrespectful to you; they neither went to school with that attitude. They weren't sexually active until they were married, and AIDS and STDs were unheard of.

In truth, we would have to rewind to before the second world war to see all that on a regular basis, but the real crux was from 1957 onwards, when prime minister Harold Macmillan told a Conservative rally "Most of our people have never had it so good." People have it even better now, with a benefit society that invites leeches from not only its own nation, but from around the world to live at the convenience of the tax payer. Pupils have no fear of teachers whose hands have been tied behind their back, neither do they of parents who could be reported to social services in a breath. Or should I say worse...

Three correlations that cannot be denied are these: the flooding of millions into the teaching of the theory of evolution, declining church attendance and the attempted extermination of any sign of Christianity. Extreme left-wing advocates, many of whom held and hold positions of power and influence, have conspired against the godly heritage of the nation, in what the former archbishop of Canterbury called 'cultural vandalism'. David Cameron's insane campaign against the sanctity of marriage is just the latest.

The generations growing up since the 1960s have been pumped full of materialism, naturalism, relativism and hedonism. From being taught they are amongst the animals in biology class, to going home and being told by the idiot-box that new laws mean neither a teacher or a parent can physically discipline them, to continuing in front of that idiot-box as it feeds them with the desires of the leftists and liberals at the helm of the media corporations that fill them with lust and covetousness. 

'Old-fashioned', 'out-dated', 'right-wing' and 'narrow-minded' have become synonyms for righteousness in this antichrist generation. If only people would remember that those 'old-fashioned' days didn't suffer from half the plagues of our modern society. If Winston Churchill tried to rise up today he would be called a bigot, a war-monger and a racist before he even got into public office. Perhaps our country's greatest leader, he famously said that slavery would not cease in the world as long as Muslims treated their wives as commodities. Meanwhile in modern Britain, Labour opened the door to shed loads of Muslims to gain their votes, ignoring how cursed their own countries were by their religion. But then again, if you want to destroy the Christian faith there is few better ways than to import the single most destructive religion on the face of the earth.

David Cameron hypocritically stood up in a church and said that the country needs to return to biblical values, simply to contradict himself completely with his drive to marry homosexuals. Maybe if he had the cojones to identify the broken society with a fractured heritage then he may have some validity. 

Tuesday 13 March 2012

A Prediction for the Coming Months and Years

Some very interesting events are happening on the world stage which are all pointing towards the fulfilment of ancient prophecy. But no matter how old those prophecies may be, up until the present day, every prediction has proved flawless.

We are on the brink of a war in the Middle East that will make the War of Independence, the Six-Day war, Yom Kippur and the two gulf wars pail in comparison. To ostensibly prop up the failing economies of the West, military action will be proposed against a nuclear Iran, but this will be vetoed in every available forum by a Russia led by the newly re-elected Putin, who will speak strong words against any military intervention.

While Western powers mull over what to do with an obstinate Russia, Iran will attack Israel with North African support from the 'liberated' victors of the Arab Spring. Russia will be far from spectators, but at the forefront of the military initiative and supplying weapons and strategic support to Iran, Libya and the other Arab allies. Turkey will also surprise the West by joining the attack, letting its anti-Semitic sentiments boil over into dreams of an Ottoman resurrection.

While the West looks on, God will deliver Israel supernaturally. If Israel getting within 60 miles of Cairo and 25 miles of Damascus at the end of the fourth Arab-Israeli war was miracle, then the whole world will be shaken at the deliverance displayed by the fulfilment of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. This is a war that has never happened, but is lining up right now. The amazing thing is that it seems from the recorded words of Ezekiel 2600 years ago, that Israel will launch a nuclear attack.

As more events unfold, I will add further comments framing those events in the context of biblical prophecy.

Friday 9 March 2012

Being Scripturally Frank

I was passing through the Camden Road area yesterday and thought I might pay a visit to Amy Winehouse's former home out of interest.

It was fairly easy to spot in Camden Square, as the house with a large black privacy fence. Just across the road from it was a tree that had become a makeshift memorial to the late singer. Having identified it, I determined to come back and have a look at what had been left in tribute. The idea then struck me to post a scripture there. It saddened me when she passed away, at the same age as myself at the time, just 27 years old. I thought that the words of Jesus from Matthew 11:28 - "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" - would be particularly poignant, knowing that if I prayed over this gesture that someone reading it could find hope to escape the burdens that plagued Amy.

I was saddened to find out later that day that she had been trying to get off the drugs and alcohol, going cold turkey with her alcoholism. I had been told by a former alcoholic a few weeks ago that you simply cannot do that with alcohol. Reading a newspaper report on-line, I read her father relaying the fact that she ignored the doctor's orders to wean herself slowly off and had gone all out, leading to her death. There was something, or rather someone, missing in that equation: her burden had no where to go. If you are heavy laden then you need to come to Jesus, as the Pilgrim did, and find your rest from sin as He takes your burdens away and gives you His rest of forgiveness.

Bringing the Lord to a Lord

I attended a book launch last night at the Hilton hotel in Euston. I don't live the 'high life' in a worldly sense - this was a first for me - so I was very interested to see how things would go.

I was there by association rather than merit, as my wife works for the author's son. The book itself seems interesting, and I was happy to receive a signed copy prior to the event. It is called The Economics of Killing by Vijay Mehta, and it links globalization with the pursuit of military conflict, indicting the West as an entity fuelled by neo-colonialist ambition. But, I am not a literary critic, so I was purely there by invitation and to observe all the goings on to fuel my reserves of information as a minister.

I was interested to see Lord Frank Judd present, taking time out of his busy schedule to stamp his approval. I was waiting in the lobby as he entered, and was completely oblivious to the hunched-over old man that trundled in with suitcase in tow. He had to leave early to catch a train back to his home in the North, and I thought I might take the opportunity to share Christ with him. I gave him some time to reach the exit and then sprang out of my seat, hot in pursuit of an interesting witness.

I caught him on the stairs and offered help to carry his suitcase down, asking if I could walk with him. As we walked he turned to me and said "...and who are you?" I mentioned my tenuous connection, and then asked him if when he passed away he thought Heaven would be his home. He seemed shocked by the proposition and asked me to repeat myself; I repeated again, did he think he would make Heaven? He told me that he was hard of hearing, and asked me to write to him at the House of Lords with whatever I was proposing. I asked him if the letter would reach him and he assured me it would. He said that I had better get back to the event as that is what I had come for, and since he was rushing for a train I thought it best not to harass him any further but to take him up on his offer.

Amazing how he had heard everything I had said - up until I challenged him on eternity. It was as if he simply couldn't hear what I was saying. I have witnessed that when deaf ears are prayed for. Everything can be heard except 'the blood of Jesus' - it is as if there is some spiritual force shutting the person off to the words that have the power to deliver them - and by the Bible's description of spirits of infirmity, we know that to be true.

I will be writing that letter to Lord Judd today, praying over it and sending it post-haste. It will be as clear as day and no train to catch or selective hearing will stop him from enjoying the full blessing of the Good News.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Powerful Healing Testimony (Holy Ghost Appointments Part 2)

As I mentioned in a previous post, on Monday I was led of God to an elderly man suffering from prostate problems.

I called this dear gentleman up yesterday on the number he gave me, and he testified to me that for the first time in two years he was able to be out the whole day without needing the toilet constantly! He said he did not know if it was God or something physical, but I said "Mr Rahman, that was a miracle!" He invited me around for breakfast the next morning.

This morning I had breakfast with Mr Rahman, and got to hear his life story and answer his questions regarding religion and Christ. He questioned how Christianity continues on from Judaism and I explained the prophecies concerning the Messiah and the promise that in Abraham all the nations of the world would be blessed. When he said he didn't know which really was God, out of the world religions, I mentioned the fact that in Mark 16 it says that the Lord worked with the Apostles, confirming the word with signs following and that his healing was confirmation of the reality of Christ.

I had to leave, but I promised Mr Rahman I would return and left my contact details if he wanted to ask any more questions or know how to receive salvation in Jesus. I felt that seeds were sown which will be reaped later and I will be praying for him earnestly until my next visit by the grace of God.

What a joy to be walking in the footsteps of great men of God such as Smith Wigglesworth and laying a hold of the power we have to see the sick healed and a witness for Christ established!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Putin in Power Points to Prophecy

The world is well aware that a tearful Vladimir Putin recently announced that he had won the Russian presidential election 'to the glory of Russia', but what the world is not aware of is what this means to biblical prophecy and the timeline of last days events.

Ezekiel chapter 38-39 gives us a picture of an attack against Israel that has never happened. This was given to the prophet as a vision of a last days war that would lead to God pouring out His delivering power, and it is thus conjectured that this could lead to a last days revival as the miracle of God's deliverance is plainly manifest to the nations.

A chief player in this scenario is referred to as Gog of Magog. Magog has historically been identified as referring to Russia, and the fact that Gog is named as the chief prince of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk) lends weight to this. The Gog is a tsar-like figure that leads a confederate of nations, including Iran, Turkey and the North African nations against Israel. Vladimir Putin has emerged as such a figure, with accusations of vote rigging adding to his dictator-in-the-making credentials.

He has stated in interviews that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and his intent to form a confederation he calls the EU - the Eastern Union. This is little more than a rehashed plan to resurrect the USSR under the auspices of modern pan-European politics. With a six year reign ahead of him, it is a high possibility that the events leading to the fulfilment of Ezekiel 38/39 are about to kick off, and you can bet a newly 'liberated' Libya, a diplomatically-severed Turkey and a nuclear Iran are not going to be far from the action.

If you aren't right with God now is really the time to be as you begin to witness a world-wide crisis that the West will do little more than stand back and throw verbal condemnation at.

Monday 5 March 2012

A Day of Holy Ghost Appointments

Tomorrow is my birthday, but I felt like it was today. God just gifted me a wonderful day with not just one, but two Holy Ghost appointments.

First I was at a train station several miles from where I live and fellowship, when I saw a lady struggling to carry a buggy down the stairs with a small child. I asked if she needed help, and she gladly received it. As I was carrying it down the stairs for her I noticed her speaking Swahili on the phone. It is not a usual language to hear in London, so I asked where she was from in Swahili and she replied Tanzania. That is when a sense of recognition hit both of us - she asked if I went to church in Walthamstow and I said yes.

It turned out this was a lady I knew that visits the UK rarely, who is the sister of a lady who used to attend our church. I met her once, but she returned to Tanzania shortly before her sister also returned to live there. We both knew this was much more than a coincidence, since God has called me to preach the gospel over in that beautiful land. She asked me when me and my wife would be coming, and by the grace of God that will be within the next few years.

The second event happened just after I had left a coffee shop where I was reading Apostle of Faith (Smith Wigglesworth's biography). Stirred by one of the best reads outside of the Word of God, I said "Lord, give me a sick person". Now that is a fair enough prayer, but I was in the middle of the richest place in the country at the time, Hampstead. Woe unto the rich because nothing kills faith like being able to depend on your own resources. Yet immediately to my left was an elderly Asian man unsteady on his feet. I asked him if there was any pain in his body, but he said he had none and even had all his own teeth! For 82 he did look quite well, but then he said that he was suffering from problems with his prostate.

Cancer was a possibility and as tears began to roll he said that he just wanted to be like a normal person. I asked if he believed in Jesus and he said he did, so as he put his hand out I took it and started to pray for that dear old gentleman. Mr Rahman gave me his number and I promised to give him a call to see how he was doing. I went off down the road lifting my hands in praise to the Lord that had given my such grace this day.

As an addition, I walked up onto the Heath to find a place to pray and eat my lunch. After praying I saw out the corner of the eye some little dogs walking towards me. Now me and my wife find little dogs very amusing with their personality, expressions and looks, so when one of the little fellows got his lead caught around the bench I was sitting on and ended up at my feet looking up at me, with almost a smile on his face, I had to laugh.

I felt the victory that he seemed to have as I patted him on the head! What a fantastic day in the Lord!