Friday 18 May 2012

The Door Opener

I was just reading about Pastor Torey Williams from The Door in Spring Lake, NC, having a chance meeting with the future mayor while waiting in line at a store. A relationship developed and Pastor Williams was asked to lead in prayer at the mayor's inauguration.

I have recently seen such an open door, but have not really given God the credit for it as I should. I have held a burden for the nation of Tanzania since the almost the first day of my salvation (seven years ago), and have doggedly held the vision that I fully believe was given of God to see Tanzania washed in the blood of Christ and seeing flaming revival.

I posted recently about having a chance meeting with a lady from Tanzania who had attended our church previously while in the UK. Well, she told me a week or so ago that her husband has just been promoted to a cabinet position in the Tanzanian government. Unbeknownst to me, President Jakaya Kikwete was having a clear out of his government, previously riddled with corruption, and in the process promoted my friend's husband from a junior ministerial position to being the Minister for Tourism and Land Resources. 

What does this mean to a man who sometime within the next couple of years will be launched to Tanzania to start a work for the Kingdom? It is probably the sign that I needed, having recently been slightly swayed in the vision by a visit to Kenya and hearing the competing cry of that nation. I have been welcomed to my friend's home in advance and that will surely involve meeting her husband in the very city that I have been stirred for all these years - Dar es Salaam.

Help with housing, buildings, outreaches or permissions? I have no idea. But I do know that those God calls He also equips, and I take this as confirmation of His hand being on us and with us. We will soon see...

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Obama's Final Nail

As if Barack Obama had any more revelations for the US voting public, news channels and outlets are now carrying his latest announcement of support for homosexual marriage.

Having not lived up to the ridiculous, messiah-esque hope that was placed on him - proving that a black man will do no better than a white man if he isn't submitted to the will of God - you would think he would be looking for the most inclusive pledges and statements with which to flesh out the thrust of his re-election campaign.

Successfully putting paid to hope of swinging many of the votes of the black church that saw him rise from obscurity to become the CEO of the American corporation, he has recently stated his support for a New Age agenda that openly flies in the face of biology, anatomy, history and logicality.

With the debate about 'gay' marriage still raging over here in the UK, Obama has weighed in with his opinion as the world's most ostensibly powerful man - no doubt in an attempt to influence world opinion and thus strengthen the homosexual agenda in every nation. Pro-abortion (infanticide), pro-homosexuality (perverted sexual urges) and now pro-homosexual marriage (legal consummation of said perverted sexual urges); Obama has shaped up to be quite the last days bastion of all things ungodly and minority supported.

The West is terrible at voicing world opinion - they ignore the fact that numbers of countries ban homosexual activity, let alone legal marriage of homosexuals, with some countries levying life sentences against such acts and lifestyles. The UK is the unspoken head of the Commonwealth - the Commonwealth simply being a neutered British Empire - with the Queen as the symbolic Head. The UK and the 'developed' (read: secular) countries of the Commonwealth are known to be supporters of the homosexual agenda, yet the majority of Commonwealth countries ban Homosexual activity (41 out of 54).

When will the West stop trying to force its secular humanist agenda on the rest of the world? The answer is it won't. Big political trouble will be stirred up by David Cameron and the like acting as neo-colonial dictators, threatening the ban of aid and the imposition of sanctions against nations who still have a semblance of godliness and morality. Then the third world war that is about to kick off between Russia, Iran, North Africa, Turkey and Israel will distract them completely from the girlie screeches of Peter Tatchell and such ambassadors for sodomy. And then? Then the return of the Christ and Judge who will bring true judgement and morality back to a sinful world.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Faithful Sowing

Pondering on my recent trip to Kenya, I remembered an interesting incident that occurred during our time in the city of Nakuru.

I had been meaning to go out and outreach in the local park with my friend who was travelling with us. We had a great view of it from our hotel window, and I could see that there were plenty of people to preach the gospel to. My friend didn't seem too keen on the idea, so I left him (along with my valuables) and headed for the park with my Kiswahili Bible in hand.

I reached the centre and a dried up water feature and began to preach in broken Swahili. The quiet haze of the afternoon was broken sharply by my zealous cry and tens of eyes were fixed on me. My unusual, yellow-skinned appearance and zeal for the gospel seemed to have everybody mesmerized; I think they wondered whether I was a radical Arab Muslim or not.

After giving it my best shot for ten minutes I pulled for souls, then backsliders, then the sick - nothing. Nobody moved an inch. The bemused stares continued as I walked the thin path out of the park and back to my hotel. As I was about to enter I heard someone call 'Pastor!' Turning around I saw a man who shook my hand and thanked me for the word. I asked if he was born again and he said that he wasn't, but a Catholic. I said that Jesus called everyone to be born again and that heaven couldn't be his home without such a decision.

There, in front of the Merica hotel, on a dusty Nakuru road I led my first East African convert to Christ. He was a Maasai man named John. I told him of our main Nakuru church and he said he knew it, and with that I congratulated him and walked back into the cool hotel buzzing. I had thought that the whole adventure had been futile, but unknown to me this man had followed me out of the park, ripe and ready to receive Christ.

Wherever we find ourselves in the world, and no matter how fallow the ground seems, we are called to be faithful sowers of the Word of God. We might not always see the fruit there and then, but God has promised us His Word will not return void, but accomplish what He pleases.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Heart of the Tower Builder

With news that the One World Trade Center is nearing completion, I couldn't help but be reminded of a certain scripture. Several actually...

Built on the original World Trade Center site, the tower is set to be the tallest in the Western hemisphere, symbolically standing 1,776 ft above the Manhattan skyline. The foundations first began to be laid in 2006 and sometime this summer it will be topped out.

So the scriptures?

Genesis 11:4 And they said, go to, let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

So what are we to make? The continued desire of man since the fall has been to make his own name, forsaking the authority of God. The West has become more and more back-slidden over the 20th and early 21st century, but the real spirit is of antichrist. Not so much denial of God outright, but denial of the true God and the Saviour Jesus Christ - I say this because the biggest tower in the world is in Muslim Dubai.

So from claims of Barack Obama being a messiah figure to the new 'One World' tower, we are clearly living in an antichrist generation that will culminate in the revelation of the Man of Sin. From the IMF to the UN, we having been moving to one world governance for many years and with another sign - a modern day tower of Babel erected right in the heart of the West - it is only a matter of years before we see fulfilment of Revelation and true global governance and rebellion against God.

Let us labour while it is still day. Give, pray and go!