Wednesday 16 May 2012

Obama's Final Nail

As if Barack Obama had any more revelations for the US voting public, news channels and outlets are now carrying his latest announcement of support for homosexual marriage.

Having not lived up to the ridiculous, messiah-esque hope that was placed on him - proving that a black man will do no better than a white man if he isn't submitted to the will of God - you would think he would be looking for the most inclusive pledges and statements with which to flesh out the thrust of his re-election campaign.

Successfully putting paid to hope of swinging many of the votes of the black church that saw him rise from obscurity to become the CEO of the American corporation, he has recently stated his support for a New Age agenda that openly flies in the face of biology, anatomy, history and logicality.

With the debate about 'gay' marriage still raging over here in the UK, Obama has weighed in with his opinion as the world's most ostensibly powerful man - no doubt in an attempt to influence world opinion and thus strengthen the homosexual agenda in every nation. Pro-abortion (infanticide), pro-homosexuality (perverted sexual urges) and now pro-homosexual marriage (legal consummation of said perverted sexual urges); Obama has shaped up to be quite the last days bastion of all things ungodly and minority supported.

The West is terrible at voicing world opinion - they ignore the fact that numbers of countries ban homosexual activity, let alone legal marriage of homosexuals, with some countries levying life sentences against such acts and lifestyles. The UK is the unspoken head of the Commonwealth - the Commonwealth simply being a neutered British Empire - with the Queen as the symbolic Head. The UK and the 'developed' (read: secular) countries of the Commonwealth are known to be supporters of the homosexual agenda, yet the majority of Commonwealth countries ban Homosexual activity (41 out of 54).

When will the West stop trying to force its secular humanist agenda on the rest of the world? The answer is it won't. Big political trouble will be stirred up by David Cameron and the like acting as neo-colonial dictators, threatening the ban of aid and the imposition of sanctions against nations who still have a semblance of godliness and morality. Then the third world war that is about to kick off between Russia, Iran, North Africa, Turkey and Israel will distract them completely from the girlie screeches of Peter Tatchell and such ambassadors for sodomy. And then? Then the return of the Christ and Judge who will bring true judgement and morality back to a sinful world.

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