Thursday 15 March 2012

Coincidental Correlations?

As British society continues to spiral down into insanity, any empirical commentator cannot ignore some stark positive correlations.

As teenage pregnancy, STDs, abortion, gang violence, truancy, violent crime, divorce etc has risen at an alarming rate since the 1960s, so marriage, discipline in schools and the home, academic ambition, community cohesion and safety on the streets has taken a dive for the worse - there was a time when you knew every neighbour on your street by their first name and you could leave your door unlocked. You were married and so were most other couples, and your children were born into a family unit. As those children grew they didn't start talking rap slang and being disrespectful to you; they neither went to school with that attitude. They weren't sexually active until they were married, and AIDS and STDs were unheard of.

In truth, we would have to rewind to before the second world war to see all that on a regular basis, but the real crux was from 1957 onwards, when prime minister Harold Macmillan told a Conservative rally "Most of our people have never had it so good." People have it even better now, with a benefit society that invites leeches from not only its own nation, but from around the world to live at the convenience of the tax payer. Pupils have no fear of teachers whose hands have been tied behind their back, neither do they of parents who could be reported to social services in a breath. Or should I say worse...

Three correlations that cannot be denied are these: the flooding of millions into the teaching of the theory of evolution, declining church attendance and the attempted extermination of any sign of Christianity. Extreme left-wing advocates, many of whom held and hold positions of power and influence, have conspired against the godly heritage of the nation, in what the former archbishop of Canterbury called 'cultural vandalism'. David Cameron's insane campaign against the sanctity of marriage is just the latest.

The generations growing up since the 1960s have been pumped full of materialism, naturalism, relativism and hedonism. From being taught they are amongst the animals in biology class, to going home and being told by the idiot-box that new laws mean neither a teacher or a parent can physically discipline them, to continuing in front of that idiot-box as it feeds them with the desires of the leftists and liberals at the helm of the media corporations that fill them with lust and covetousness. 

'Old-fashioned', 'out-dated', 'right-wing' and 'narrow-minded' have become synonyms for righteousness in this antichrist generation. If only people would remember that those 'old-fashioned' days didn't suffer from half the plagues of our modern society. If Winston Churchill tried to rise up today he would be called a bigot, a war-monger and a racist before he even got into public office. Perhaps our country's greatest leader, he famously said that slavery would not cease in the world as long as Muslims treated their wives as commodities. Meanwhile in modern Britain, Labour opened the door to shed loads of Muslims to gain their votes, ignoring how cursed their own countries were by their religion. But then again, if you want to destroy the Christian faith there is few better ways than to import the single most destructive religion on the face of the earth.

David Cameron hypocritically stood up in a church and said that the country needs to return to biblical values, simply to contradict himself completely with his drive to marry homosexuals. Maybe if he had the cojones to identify the broken society with a fractured heritage then he may have some validity. 

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