Tuesday 24 May 2011

Mr. Unreasonable

I thought this interesting since I have never witnessed to someone quite so unreasonable.

I saw a brother seeming to struggle with a witness so I stepped into what I expected to be a typical encounter with a secular humanist.

This man turned out to be quite the anomaly as I challenged him on the origins of the universe. He said that Big Bang theory is the most likely explanation and that is what he believes. When I asked if he knew what evidence there was to support it (I was expecting Red Shift/Background Radiation) he said no - I then stated that him believing that the Big Bang is the most likely and scientific answer to the origin of the universe, when he didn't even know what evidence is put forward for it, is ridiculous and unscientific - he stared at me before going off on a tangent.

I then asked if he believed in absolutes and he said no. I asked him if he was absolutely sure about that and he said that he wasn't! He then went on to say that nothing is certain, but was adamant that rape cannot be justified, even by Evolution theory - at this point I realised I was speaking to someone who made about as much sense as a hippy sitting under a tree smoking dope: 'everything is everything, man' seemed to be his unspoken motto.

When he tried to explain free will and self-awareness by Evolution I started to mention animals that have neither but survive perfectly well. At this point he used the old cop-out that 'we are never going to agree' and made a hasty exit.

At first I was someone who he thought he could refute on every point, then I was someone who had an opposite opinion that was valid enough to be left alone incase any more of his illogical position was exposed.

It was interesting to see someone who held so many fallacious beliefs and could not even be reasoned with - at every turn he refuted logic as 'anthropomorphic' - completely denying the view of human interpretation that the science he claims to hold to works upon. So I guess Francis Crick (the co-discoverer of DNA) was being way too anthropomorphic when he said that DNA was too complex to evolve and must have been created by someone, even ET!

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