Monday 9 April 2012

Holy Ghost Opportunities

We pray and we wait. Then we pray and wait some more. Then we pray some more and wait some more - we may even fast - but God has called us to an active faith. 

No one ever got anything from God without action; from Moses getting off his couch in Pharoah's house to Peter stepping out of the boat to meet his Lord, men and women of God are called to action.

There are Holy Ghost opportunities presenting themselves every single day of every single of our lives. A chance to share the Saviour, a chance to display the power of God to heal, or maybe a chance to speak a word to encourage or convict - everyday we have a chance to respond to God and labour while it is still day.

The other day I was sitting in my car at the supermarket with my wife and sister in-law and saw a lady walking in a lot of pain with a crutch. God immediately convicted me to go and minister to her, but I reasoned in the flesh that she was in a rush and wouldn't respond; again He prompted my heart. I told my wife and sister in-law to give me a minute, as I got out of the car and went after her.

By the time I was out of the car she had met up with her family and I knew I had missed it. Oh what God could have done to set her free and establish a witness in her heart  - I've seen it countless times before. Lord help me to never miss an opportunity again because the flesh has been overfed. If we feed the Spirit then any time those opportunities come it will simply be too strong for the flesh to resist (Read Galatians 5:17).

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