Tuesday 20 December 2011

A Most Wonderful Witness Part1

I have had two of my greatest witnesses from a point of view of the presentation of truth over the past few days.

The first was at our usual Saturday street outreach. I met an evolutionary biologist called Dr. Sharma, who I had a fantastic time with. We went through the icons of evolution theory and their fraudulent nature, the insufficiency of natural selection to explain origins or even explain speciation, and many other things.

He took me into a book shop to show me a new book on human evolution theory after I questioned the fallacious time-line of human ancestry. It wasn't there, which was a sweet touch to a talk based on the absence of evidence for Darwinism. He insisted to me that Lucy was a direct human ancestor, yet I pointed to the Laetoli tracks that pre-date the supposed existence of Australopithecus Afarensis as an ape-like human ancestor. The very fact that they are the imprints of a normal modern human of above average height completely flies in the face of standard models of the evolution of bipedalism.

The crux was DNA - after he was surprised to learn that Richard Dawkins admitted to evidence of complexity that could have been created by a transcendent intelligence, he admitted that attributing that design to ET was simply postponing the problem. He then attempted to tell me that DNA is not complex and that it simply evolved from less complex forms that were not quite as good. When I asked if that could be shown to me he said that it couldn't as it was all dead.

When I posited that this did not fall within the parameters of scientific enquiry because it could not be observed, studied or tested and that if he could not prove it ever existed then he was holding to it by religious faith I was filled with joy; I had got to one of those magic moments when a secular humanist is found severely wanting in his attempt to distance himself from faith and dogma.

Even though he refused my invitation to our nativity play as 'propaganda', I immediately prayed for his soul, knowing that showing an evolutionist his zealous faith in Darwinism and the fraudulent icons that he uses to prop up this faith, is the first step towards getting him to consider his own fallibility. Shedding light on his own narcissism is a step closer to his heart being open to the ultimate destroyer of foolish pride that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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